gaba receptor中文什么意思

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  1. Resent studies demonstrate that , such as gabaar1 subunit of gaba receptor , ka2 and glur6 subunit of ka receptor , there are some functional regions in that of c terminus which can regulate these subunits targeting to the cell membrane surface . while little was known whether nmda receptor ' s nr2b subunit has the similar domains
    最近有一些研究报道,许多突触受体如gaba ( b )受体rl亚单位、 ka受体的kaz和glur6亚单位以及孤儿受体腿亚单位的胞内区,存在有影响受体运输到细胞膜的功能区,但是尚未有对于nmda受体的nrz亚单位膜运输的报道。
  2. Be probably related with the change of gaba releasing in the brain . in order to testify the effect of nos inhibitor and gaba on the regulation of the sleep / waking cycle in adult rats implanted for chronic sleep recordings , the polysomnogram was recorded . we observed whether the sleep - suppressing action of nos inhibitor was affected after the administration of the agonists of gaba receptors by subcutaneous route
    本研究采用多导睡眠描记技术和皮下给药方式,观察应用gaba受体激动剂后,对nos抑制剂引起的睡眠抑制效应有无影响,同时用免疫组化的方法,观察应用nos抑制剂后大鼠额叶皮质2区( frz区) gaba免疫反应( gaba一ir )阳性细胞表达的变化,从而探讨no和gaba在睡一醒周期调控中的作用。


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  10. gabaa receptorgabaa 什么意思


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